Pop art for everyone – Andy Warhol exhibition in Antalya

The father of commercial pop art, famed Andy Warhol was American famous painter, producer, designer, writer and film director with Slovac roots.
His was managing and producing ”The Velvet Underground” first of it’s kind punk rock band. Andy Warhol’s studio ”The Factory” was unusual place that was bringing together celebreties, patrons and Bohemian people.
He created design for Coca-Cola can, was working with images of famous people like Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. Andy Warhol was first to use neon colors in pictorial art. He was pioneer in computer- generated art, besides using printmarking, photography, silk screening, etc.
Campbell’s soup, Cowboys and Indıans, Flowers, 10 Portraits of Jews 20th Century series are presented in the Antalya Culture and Arts Center from 30 March until 25 September.